International transport : Digitization of the Maroc/Espagne/Royaume-Uni corridor
As part of the Spanish numerical logistics solution, Usyncro and the International Association of Transport Routes (Astic), sold the first corridor numerique de marchandises depending on the route Maroc/Espagne/Royaume-Uni.
Financed by the Organization internationale des transports routiers (IRU), the two promoters have, à de vendredi, a period of 12 months to launch it on the market, conclude agreements with the transport companies interested in this, the case if necessary, à la mettre en œuvre dans leurs érations, also qu’analyser et presenter l’expérience reale.
The executive vice-president of l’Astic, Ramón Valdivia, also estimated that in September 2025, “we will be at the level of rencontrer à nouveau et de rendre des comptes”.
Contrary to air transport, the international corridor numérique ajoute l’analyse de l’empreinte carbone et l’IA pour extractire les données. The itinéraire choisi entre le Maroc et le Royaume-Uni via l’Espagne n’est pas le fruits du hasard, ont indicé les deux entités.
Comme le décrivent Astic et Usyncro, pour le transport ruutier espagnol, le Maroc et le Royaume Uni sont deux stratégique points pour l’importation et l’exportation de mercandis, “et nous avons identifique de nombreux’vélémentus goulets generate des solutions”, points out Cristina Martín, PDG d’Usyncro.
This year, more than 800,000 trucks move between Maroc, Spain and Royaume-Uni, which is the fifth destination of Spanish exports, according to the fourteenth anniversary of the Communauté de Madrid.
Although the solution of numerical ground corridors is available for all origins and destinations, the pilot project has started in two countries, which proposes the different rules of the cells of the European Union, according to des promoters. As for the other solutions proposed by Usyncro, access to the solution is free, so that all operators or enablers of the approval chain can access the shipment paths to access the platform.
l’instant, l’Astic et l’entreprise technological assurance that the first 20 to 25 transport companies that use the system free of charge, so that the others établiront un system de payement à l’utilisation.
“Il s’agit d’un modèle très différence des logiciels habituels, puisqu’il funccióna sur la base du cost par expédition”, explains M. Martín. According to him, un envoi cost four euros and ceût cost risera ou diminuera en fonction du volume. “Now the volume transferred is significant, plus the cost is bas”, explains PDG d’Usyncro.
The numerical ground corridor uses the platform developed by Usyncro with blockchain technology and artificial intelligence for all its solutions as it serves, with free access and the search engine condition of internet connection. The function is similar to the function developed for the airfrequencies numerical corridors: it is based on a rights matrix, the customer opening a first rights table to use the platform as it serves.
Pour rappelling, Maroc achemine de plus en plus de fret vers l’Europe, sets exports at bonds of 85% and six and 228 million tons. Countries are also up (+47%) to 6,119 million tons in 2018. At the same time, the largest IRR in the world is up by 73% and transport companies are also up (+45%).
Seoul is on the table: Maroc announces a vehicle boom with vehicles not exceeding 6 tons and demands the release of these types of vehicles. In fact, it is very good for light vehicles, very useful in Europe. Spain is more reluctant to increase approvals for these vehicles.