​L’Espagne expels towards Morocco l’un des damnés pour les attempts du 17 aout 2017 à Barcelona


From the sources du ministère de l’Intérieur espagnol ont confirmed à l’agence de presse espagnole EFE l’expulsion, qui a eu lieu en avril dernier, lorsque son permis de séjour lui a été confiscated aèpéureit aèprés de rédus It ranges from 8 years to 18 months in prison.

The National Court sentenced Ben Iazza for collaborating with documents et une truck afin d’acheter et de transporter des engins explosives.

Ben Iazza said when he arrived in 2017, although he was temporarily released after September 2021, when he left to clear 4 years of pre-trial detention (the maximum legal limit in Spain) and the conviction never went to the final.

In April 2023, Spain’s Ministry of the Interior sued the National Court for approving the deportation “for alleged participation in the activities constituting the national security court”, but the court denied it.

The tribunal de grande instance a réduit sa peine à 18 mois d’emprisonnement vu l’existence des doutes raisonnés sur le fait qu’il savait de manière sufficiently detailed que, par ses actses, il collaborationl’aniit.

Five months later, the police announced the confiscation of security clearances and the protection of a preferential deportation procedure, according to El País. On April 20, the court accepted the administrative deportation against Casablanca, “without responsible punishment”.

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